“There are many different gifts, but it is always the same Spirit; there are many different ways of serving, but it is always the same Lord.”
— 1 Corinthians 12:4
If you feel that you have been called by the Holy Spirit to serve as a catechist in one of our religious education programs, please email Elizabeth Spencer.
Protecting God’s Children Workshop
All adults (18+) must complete a Protecting God’s Children Workshop in order to work as a catechist in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Please go to the virtus website to register for this workshop in the area as soon as possible.
Catechist Formation
The most important quality our catechists can have is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a desire to share that love with His children, both young and not-so-young. Catechists who wish to enrich their abilities can take advantage of training offered by the Archdiocese of Detroit. You may go to the AOD website’s Catechesis page to find seminars.
To see which classes are required, please view the listing: revised catechist topics.
There are 3 different delivery systems available to you:
- 27 topics in the traditional 2-hour session format.
- University of Dayton online courses, which each equate to 4—8 of the 27 topics. Cost is $40 per class. These classes can be completed at a time convenient to you in your own home, with an online professor and discussion group.
- Echoes of Faith Plus DVD Course. There are 10 modules, 6 hours per module in this format. These modules can be completed by watching the DVD’s individually or within a small group, with a 2-hour interview/discussion group session with an EMCF facilitator as part of the module (whether you watch the DVD’s alone or within a group). There are equivalencies to the 27 topics for each module, some equivalent to one, others to 2 or 3 of the 27 topics. Cost is $6 per module for the catechist workbook.
The 3 delivery systems may all be used to complete your catechist certification.
The certification process allows catechists to learn more about their faith, grow in their relationship with our Lord, and share ideas with fellow catechists. Please take the time to explore your options. Please contact the Director of Religious Education if you need help to determine which topics you still need to take.
Not only catechists but all adults are welcome to come to learn as well. It is an excellent way to grow in your own knowledge and ability to pass the Catholic faith on to your children.