Middle School Teens (TAG - Teens and God)
A place for middle school students (6th-8th grade) to gather once a month on Tuesdays. It is a place to connect about faith, with others, in a fun way while sharing some food. All middle schoolers are welcome. We meet 6-8 pm in the Davidson Center. The dates for this year are:
Oct .17, Nov. 21, Dec .12, Jan. 16, Feb. 20, Mar. 5, and Apr. 16.
Join us once, a few times, or for every date.
Contact Jennifer Greuling
B.A.S.I.C. - Brothers and Sisters in Christ
The high school youth group meets on Sunday nights after the 5:00 pm Mass and offers an engaging community of young Catholics who wish to grow deeper in their faith. Through social activities, food, games, and small groups, teens connect with each other while being supported by caring adult volunteers.
Contact John Boutin
Bibles and Bros
High school boys meet twice a month in the teen room for food, fellowship and group discussion of faith topics with a masculine focus.
Contact John Boutin
Sisters in Christ
High school girls meet twice a month in the teen room for food, fellowship and group discussion of faith topics with a feminine focus.
Contact John Boutin