Scripture Studies

St. Anastasia offers a variety of opportunities to study the Bible. Whether you are just beginning or looking for a deeper understanding of scripture, we have multiple groups to meet your needs. If you have questions regarding Adult Faith opportunities or would like to lead a group or join the adult faith team at St. Anastasia, contact Abby Avery, our Parish Catechetical Leader at 248-689-8380, Ext. 120.

Men’s Catholic Fellowship (ongoing)

(Currently meeting on Zoom) The secular world makes it increasingly difficult for men to live out a life of Catholic virtue. Catholic peer groups can help us to apply our faith more strongly as husbands, fathers, friends, and workers. The group will ground itself by studying scripture and applying the teachings to current struggles. Men are invited to take turns leading discussion each week, focusing on what spoke most to them from the reading and applying it to home and work. We will meet each Wednesday morning before work – from 6:45 – 7:30 a.m. on Zoom. Join us for a study of Job, using an Ignatius Press guide. For more information, email Jeff Green.

Men’s Sunday Readings Discussion Group –  Wednesday mornings (ongoing)

(Currently meeting on Zoom). You are invited to meet to discuss Scripture and its meaning in daily life. We try to reach a deeper understanding of each Sunday’s readings. Join us every Wednesday morning from 8 – 9 a.m. on Zoom. Optional materials fee, all year. Call Jim Kennedy for more information at 248-879-1982.