
Do you like meeting new people and making them feel welcome? Then consider joining one of our liturgy or hospitality ministries.

Cherished Women's Retreat Team

Be on the team to help plan and host our annual Cherished Women’s Retreat. The retreat generally takes place during Lent. We will need help planning the evening, inviting and welcoming the women of our parish, providing hospitality, setting up and cleaning up.

Contact Abby Avery

Coffee & Donuts - Sunday Hospitality
Wayne Messing (248) 689-7460

Help extend our hospitality after Mass by helping to serve Coffee & Donuts after the 8:00 or 10:00 AM Masses on Sunday. Rotating teams of individuals, families or groups set up and clean up approximately once a month. Substitutes are also needed.

Contact Wayne Messing

Greeter at Mass
Brenda Kozlowski (248) 689-8380 Ext. 103

“Always Loved, Always Welcome”. We open doors and share God’s love through a warm welcome as guests enter our church. Simply arrive 15-20 minutes before the Mass you usually attend. Training provided. Families welcome.

Contact Brenda Kozlowski

Hospitality Helpers
Brenda Kozlowski (248) 689-8380 Ext. 103

Are you comfortable in a kitchen and love welcoming people? We are looking for people to help serve food/beverages with a smile during parish activities and help with some clean up. Many hands make this
a joyful experience! A variety of times and activities are available. Participate as you are able.

Contact Brenda Kozlowski

Men's Conference
Brenda Kozlowski (248) 689-8380 Ext. 103

We will be hosting an all day Men’s Conference on Saturday, March 9, 2024! Calling all men to save the date. We are also looking for help to register participants, help with food and beverages throughout the day and various other tasks. We are looking for people who can come as early as 7 am and stay until after the 4 pm Saturday Mass. A variety of shifts are available. Help setting up on Friday, March 8th is also needed. Can we count on you?

Contact Brenda Kozlowski

O.C.I.A. Easter Vigil Reception
Brenda Kozlowski (248) 689-8380 Ext. 103

Help us celebrate the joy-filled occasion of welcoming our newest members to our Catholic faith! Assist with planning and/or serving at the reception following the Easter Vigil Mass (Saturday, March 30, 2024) and clean up at the end. A couple hours of set up (decorating) is also needed on the Thursday before (Holy Thursday, March 28).

Contact Brenda Kozlowski


Helpful friendly ministers (ushers) are needed for all Masses. The Usher Ministry is a ministry of hospitality. Ushers are at the doors as people enter the church. They are available throughout the Mass to assist with seating and other general needs during Mass. They take care of ensuring that the collection is safely deposited. Serve at the Mass you attend.

Contact Marie Coules

Welcome Desk Ministry Re-start
Brenda Kozlowski (248) 689-8380 Ext. 103

Are you quick with a smile and enjoy meeting new people? Simply arrive at the Welcome Desk 15 minutes before the Mass you usually attend and stay 15 minutes after Mass to answer questions & help visitors and new parishioners feel they are “Always Loved and Always Welcome”. Families are welcome. Serve at the Mass you attend. Training is provided. Leadership opportunity for this ministry also available. It would include scheduling volunteers and some light, occasional email communications.

Contact Brenda Kozlowski

Women's Advent Night of Reflection

Be on the team for this lovely Advent women’s event on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. We need help making copies, setting up, cleaning up, and washing tablecloths (the week of the event).

Contact Kim Houseman