
Do you like to just lend a hand here and there whenever you see a need? We have a variety of different areas where your helping hands and heart would be so very appreciated.

Adoration Chapel Cleaning

Do you love spending time in the Chapel? Do you feel the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit when you are there? Our chapel is a gift to all of us. Do you have an hour to help us clean?

In the winter, there are only a few hours each month when we have the open time to clean: Friday between 12:15 and 2 pm on the 3rd & 4th weekends of the month. Volunteers would work on a rotating schedule cleaning the pews and wood kneeler frames of salt, dirt and cobwebs. We supply the cleaning products if you have the time to help us out.

Contact Marie Coules

Babysitting (Adults) for Walking with Purpose (WWP)

Babysitters are needed to watch children Thursday mornings (from 10-11:30 am) during Walking with Purpose, a women’s bible study group from October through May.

Contact Abby Avery

Clothing Drive Sorter

Our parish will be conducting a clothing collection on a Saturday morning in the fall and in the spring (dates tbd). We need volunteers to receive, sort and box the items in preparation for delivery.

Contact Kim Houseman

Food Pantry Shelving & Organization

Volunteers are needed (during the day of the winter months) to sort, check expiration dates and shelve the food in the pantry and on a rotating basis after a food drive. Approximately 1 hour of time. Volunteers are contacted on a rotating basis. Day of the week is flexible.

Contact Kim Houseman

Giving Tree

Special collections in December for organizations that put our generosity to good use. Help needed with donation management, packaging and sorting. Sorting takes place one evening for 2 hours.

Contact Kim Houseman

Parish Health Program & Blood Drive Volunteers

This group will provide healthy awareness and opportunities to our parish at large including: quarterly blood drives, speakers, health programs, and blood pressure checks at the K of C Breakfast Buffets. We need health professional volunteers (current and retired) to help brainstorm and facilitate.

Contact Kim Houseman

Senior Outreach

We want our seniors to know they are loved!  Help reach out to seniors via mail, phone calls, delivering a meal or porch visits.  Each situation is adaptable to your gifts and time availability. To be put on a rotating call list, please contact Kim.

Contact Kim Houseman

Stuff Bulletins
Florence Parent (248) 689-8380 Ext. 100

Come and enjoy the fellowship while stuffing flyers in the Parish Bulletin!  Many hands make this load lighter. This ministry of service takes less than one hour to complete depending on the number of volunteers.  Your time commitment is based on your availability. The bulletins are generally stuffed on the 1st Saturday of the month at 9:15 AM. Your name will be on our list and you will receive a reminder email (or a call if you don’t email) and a prayer prior to the stuffing date.  Children under middle school age must be accompanied by an adult. 

Contact Florence Parent

Launder Altar Linens

Wash and iron the linens used at Mass. Monthly rotating schedule.

Contact Marie Coules

Maintain Altar Server Albs

Launder the server albs on an as needed basis.

Contact Marie Coules

Tablecloth Maintenance
Brenda Kozlowski (248) 689-8380 Ext. 103

Seeking individuals to wash up to a dozen tablecloths a couple times a year. Many hands make light work.

Contact Brenda Kozlowski

Fr. Colin Fricke (248) 689-8380 Ext. 153

Acolytes are needed to assist the priest or deacon either at the exposition of the Eucharist or at Benediction. Time commitment is approximately 30 minutes on a rotating basis. Training will be provided.

Contact Fr. Colin Fricke

Altar Servers
Marie Coules (248) 689-8380 Ext. 1

4th graders and up, who have received their first communion, assist the priest at Mass.

Contact Marie Coules

Baptism Assistant
Lisa Harrison (248) 689-8380 Ext. 133

Prepare the supplies and assist Father with baptisms on the 1st and 3rd weekends of the month, at the 12:00 PM Mass. Rotating schedule.

Contact Lisa Harrison

Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist (EME)

EMEs assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Serve at whatever Mass you are attending. Training is provided. Must be a registered, confirmed parishioner. For ministers of the cup (only) a SignUpGenius is required by noon on Fridays (prior to the weekend you are serving). For ministers of the body, there is no advanced sign up.

Contact Marie Coules


Proclaim the Scriptures at Mass. Must be registered, confirmed parishioner and have a mastery of public speaking.

Contact Marie Coules

Sacristan (Daily Mass & Weekends)

Prepare the vessels and supplies for Holy Communion. Training is provided. Rotating schedule at the Weekend Mass of your choosing. Weekday Masses are at 8:15 am (Mon—Fri) and additional responsibilities would include proclaiming the reading & distributing Holy Communion.

Contact Marie Coules

Sacristan (Fridays)

Clean and prepare the sanctuary for weekend Mass.  Monthly rotating schedule.

Contact Marie Coules

Wedding Liturgy Assistant
Lisa Harrison (248) 689-8380 Ext. 109

Meet with engaged couples to plan their wedding liturgy. Be present at the rehearsal and on the wedding day to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Contact Lisa Harrison

Library Helper
Library Coordinator (248) 689-8380 Ext. 112

We welcome volunteers to help in processing new materials, re-shelving books, and maintaining the appearance of the library and/or work on short term projects. Commitment varies, but could be 1-2 hours a week. Training provided.

Contact Library Coordinator