Safe Environment Training for Adult (18+) and Teen (age 14-17) Volunteers in the AOD and specifically at St. Anastasia
If you volunteer here or anywhere in the Archdiocese of Detroit (AOD), your immediate action is needed!
Safe Environment Training is so very important (and required) for our volunteers (with just a few exceptions)! We need you and your heart for others … to continue to be a light by taking this mandatory training, to help us keep all of our Vulnerable Adults and Children in our community safe!
2 Steps are Required:
1. A current certification in the course “Protecting God’s Children” (PGC). Must be re-certified after 3 years.
2. A criminal background check (the form may be printed & returned from the link below or it is available in our Parish Office)
If you have NEVER taken “Protecting God’s Children”:
Certification is required!
Please got to www.virtus.org and create an account. Remember your login information.
Based on your answers to questions raised in the registration process, VIRTUS will direct you as to your options to be certified.
Please complete the training. THANK YOU!! Questions? Email helpdesk@virtus.org.
Still need help, confused, do not have a computer, etc.? We would love to help you through this process! Please email Maryann.
If you have previously taken “Protecting God’s Children”:
Even if it’s been many years since attending a PGC workshop – you DO have an account! Please do not create a new account – email Maryann to help recover your original account. You will need to get ‘re-certified’ or current, with the online module titled “Protecting God’s Children Awareness Session 4.0 with Vulnerable Adults Training 2.0 combined”. Please complete the training. THANK YOU!!
Questions? Email helpdesk@virtus.org.
Still need help, confused, do not have a computer, etc.? We would love to help you through this process! Please email Maryann.
Helpful steps can be found here:
High School Teens (ages 14-17)
High school students (ages 14-17) who wish to volunteer at AOD parishes or schools must complete VIRTUS’ online workshops: Healthy Relationships for Teens 2.0 Online Module.
This module is accessible online through Virtus and is intended to help youth identify the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships.
The module also equips teens to follow a plan to do the right thing for themselves and others upon recognizing an unhealthy situation.
Please follow the directions above for “If you have NEVER taken “Protecting God’s Children”. Including your date of birth will alert the Virtus site to your “teen” status – and will direct you to the teen training module.
Still need help? We would love to help you through this process! Please email Maryann.
Background Checks
No individual (18+ years old) may be employed or permitted to volunteer at a parish or school in the AOD until a background check has been completed. (Renewable every 2 years.)
Download the Background Check here and mail (not email) in:
We cannot thank you enough for your gift of time, willingness to take the training, and prompt certification to help keep those most at risk in our community safe!
May God bless you abundantly!
Individuals with knowledge of sexual abuse by clergy or other Church representatives are urged to contact local law enforcement and/or the Michigan Attorney General’s Office at 844-324-3374 or aginvestigations@michigan.gov. Individuals also may contact the Archdiocese of Detroit by visiting protect.aod.org, calling the toll-free 24/7 victim assistance line at 866-343-8055, or by emailing vac@aod.org. There are no time limits or restrictions on individuals wishing to report abuse.
Every complaint shared with the Archdiocese of Detroit, regardless of its source or the date of the alleged activity is reported to civil authorities. No complaints are held back, pre-screened or disregarded.