Chapel Code Has Changed!

The new keypad is installed and working! AMEN!
Effective immediately, Monday, June 10, the chapel code has been changed.

If you have not yet registered IN the Parish Office to receive it, please come in to show us your ID (& share your email address).
Please do not ‘call’ the office and ask for the code over the phone or send any email requests. The code is given in person only.

Also, a gentle reminder to those who already have the code, please do not share the code with anyone. Each person must come in themselves to receive the code.

The code only needs to be used during non-office hours. During regular office hours the chapel is open.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continually work making sure our campus is safe.

Parish Office Hours (during the summer):

Monday – Thursday: 9 am – 5 pm
Friday: 9 am – 3 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Parish Calendar can be found here.

More information about our Divine Mercy Chapel can be found here.