Children’s Liturgy of Word happens each Sunday throughout the school year (October through May) during the 10:00 am Mass and is geared for children who are age 4 years old through grade 4. Before the first reading of Scripture, the children are escorted to the Social Hall where they can listen to the Word of God and receive a short lesson on the readings. No pre-registration is necessary. All children are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Check out the Parish Calendar for specific scheduled dates. When you find one date, double click on the event to see the whole schedule.
If you are interested in being a Children’s Liturgy leader please contact Anna Swope, for more information.
Any High School or Middle School students interested in assisting with the Children’s Liturgy please email Anna Swope for information.
We ask that you serve a minimum of 3 weeks (not necessarily in a row) as your commitment.